Community Involvement...

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." John F. Kennedy

Something About Me
Community Involvement

*I was inspired by Pres. Kennedy's call to public service and have spent my life doing just that...

*I grew up in a family that valued community service, political activism, and the Lutheran church community. My mother served on the school board, my father was chairman of the town planning board, and both held leadership roles in our church. As for politics, my father was chair of the town Republican party and my mother, being an active Democrat, went to peace and civil rights marches with me. As you can imagine, conversation around our dinner table was lively.

*Throughout my adult life, teaching, social activism, and volunteering have been the energizing forces that propel me to do all I can to make the world a better place. The ten years I was home with my young children became the perfect opportunity to teach in different venues, to volunteer for organizations that shared my values, to continue sharing my love of music, and to become the announcer and sound coordinator for the Maine Attraction WaterSki Shows.

My service-oriented & political activities in Maine include...

*Massabesic Athletic Boosters Chair (6 years)
*Tri-Town Tennis Association (Through the generosity of Cliff Holdsworth, we built tennis courts on Route 109 in Acton.)
*Shapleigh Conservation Committee
*Co-president & Board Member (5 years)~Gingerbread Cooperative Nursery School, Sanford, ME
*Facilitator~Systematic Training in Effective Parenting classes (STEP)
*Director (12 years)~Sanford Unitarian Church Intergenerational Choir, Children’s Choir, Handbell Choir, and Sanford Community Ecumenical Choir
*Public Relations Director~Dollars For Scholars
*Freelance photographer~local newspapers’ education and community sections
*Organizer & Director (3 years)~Sanford Area Peace Forum Coffeehouse
*Coordinator~Sanford Area Peace Forum
*Delegate~Maine Peace Campaign; National Freeze Voter in Washington DC
*Sunday School Teacher~Grades 2 & 3: Sanford Unitarian Church
*Shapleigh Recreation Committee Chair (6 years)~coordinated baseball, roller skating, soccer, swimming, and basketball activities as well as community, holiday, and Earth Day festivities
*Shapleigh Recreation Baseball Commissioner (5 years)
*Shapleigh Democratic Party Chair (30 years)
*Campaign Coordinator ~Rep. Tom Andrews Congressional campaign in eight southern York County towns
*Announcer and Sound Coordinator for Maine Attraction WaterSki Shows (19 years)